Ohio Valley Austin Healey Club
Serving Greater Cincinnati & Northern Kentucky
Monthly Meetings
Meetings are the 2nd Monday of the Month unless indicated - 7:00 PM
Family, friends and guests are always welcome!
January 2025: No Meeting
February 2025: Jacobs
March 2025: Wallace's
April 2025: Lindauer's
May 2025: Conclave No meeting
June 2025: Campbell's
July 2025: Grabow's
August 2025: Wolfer's
September 2025: Cox's
October 2025: Parrot's Bonfire
November 2025: Slater's
December 2025: Christmas
Video of Grace - Drive away Cancer Take a look it is great!
How does your gasoline rate ?
The Golden Age of British Sport Cars
Joe Schreibeis What has he been up to ?
Green BJ8 in " Every one wants to rule the world "
Like Blackberrys, Cobbler ? Come out to Pratt's Berry Farm and get fresh Berries of all types !
Bellefontaine Hill Climb revival
February 26 ......................................................................................... Retired Old Men Eating Out 1:00 The Pub Rookwood
( New Location and Date ) 2692 Edmondson Rd. Cincinnati
February 26 .......................................................................................... Juliettes Lunch 12:30 P.F. Chang's Rookwood
2633 Edmondson Rd. Cincinnati
RSVP Lauren ( LLwallace@fuse.net
March ........................................................................................ Meeting at Wallace's kick tires 1:00 meeting 2:00
Crystal River manatee Tour
at Conclave 2023
February OVAHC Meeting Minutes