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Ohio Valley Austin Healey Club
  Serving Greater Cincinnati & Northern Kentucky
Monthly Meetings
   Meetings are the 2nd Monday of the Month unless indicated - 7:00 PM 
   Family, friends and guests are always welcome!

   January 2024:        No Meeting
   February 2024:      Jacobs
   March 2024:           Wallace's               
   April 2024:             Lindauer's
   May 2024:              Slater's
   June 2024:             Campbell's
   July 2024:              Cox's
   August 2024:         Wolfer's
   September 2024:   Duffey's
   October 2024:        Parrot's Bonfire
   November 2024:    
   December 2024:    19th at Grove Park Grill
                                                                   Activities  Calendar                                            


​Video of Grace - Drive away Cancer   Take a look it is great!
How does your gasoline rate ?   
The Golden Age of British Sport Cars
Joe Schreibeis   What has he been up to ?

​Green BJ8  in " Every one wants to rule the world " 
​  Like Blackberrys,  Cobbler  ?  Come out to Pratt's Berry Farm and get fresh Berries of all types !


                                                PHOTOS of Conclave  -  Https://Dropevent.com/Conclave2019
 Bellefontaine Hill Climb revival
                                                     PHOTOS at   www.jlofoto.net                                                                                                         
October 16 .......................................................................................... Retired Old Men Eating Out 1:00 The Works Brick Oven
                                                                                                                          20 Grear Millitzer Place, Loveland             
October 23 .......................................................................................... Juliettes Lunch 12:30 Maggiano's Kenwood Towne Centre
                                                                                                                  7875 Montgomery Rd.
                                                                                                                 RSVP Lauren ( LLwallace@fuse.net 
October 12 ........................................................................................ Meeting at Parrot's Bonfire kick tires 1:00 meeting 4:00
                                                                                                                                                          Potluck Dinner at 6:00
                                                                                                     3016 Goodwin Schoolhouse Rd. , Bethel Ohio
                                                                                                                           ( Details in Newsleak )

Crystal River manatee Tour
at Conclave 2023
                                                                                     September OVAHC Meeting Minutes 

​ September OVAHC Meeting Minutes 
Twenty-six members attended the monthly meeting on Saturday, September 7 at the Duffey home in Middletown, OH on a pleasant sunny afternoon. Tim & Bobbi's daughter ___________ stopped by. President Scott Brown called the meeting to order about 2 PM and thanked Pat and Bob for hosting. (applause) August minutes were approved as published. 

President Scott reported on a recent meeting with himself, Rosalee Campbell, Lauren Wallace, and reps from the Healey clubs of Columbus, Dayton, Louisville, and Indianapolis in Lawrenceburg, IN. The topic was the future of September Roundup and Springthing. They decided the name for our rotating car show will be: The Mid-America Classic. Scott asked John Parrott to help with a new logo. The next event will be Mid Ohio AHC and the new Hocking Hills Lodge will be the hotel. Mike Foster is looking for a Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday in early September to allow for better rates for everyone. For promotion we will ask Steve Bell to write an article of the M.A.C. and/or ask Greg Lauser to put it in the Healey Marque.

Secretary Dale, Newsleak Editor Mary Ann, Business Manager/Delegate Jake, Vice Presidents Wallace, and Historian John Parrott had no reports. Web Administrator Don said we are alive on the web.

Membership Rosalee said our OVAHC membership grew when Mike and Carole Evans recently joined. Look for them at the Parrott bonfire. Skip said he will be Meriwether Lewis at the bonfire if it all works out.

Treasurer Cindy reported that since the Wolfer meeting on 8/18/24: credit for split the pot $45, local only Evans dues of $20 for a total of $65. Debit for September meeting hosts Duffey $75. Current balance is good. Opening tech team balance $1627.52. Credits for $40 for a clutch bleeder kit and a top trunnion kit for $45. Closing balance is $1712.52.

Activity Activator Skip said we had a really really good time at the hill climb weekend beginning last Friday. Sunday, September 15 is the BCCGC British car show in Fairfield, OH. Wisconsin Conclave is nearing. Sunday, October 13 is the annual (free with canned goods) car show at Spring Grove Cemetery. Tim Ross reported the details of the OVAHC 10/16-19 trip to Zanesville, OH. He and Bobbi need to know who is going and we need at least 4 couples or cars to make it worth while. So check your calendar, make reservations, and tell the Ross duo. 
Skip said he will be Meriwether Lewis at the Salt Festival at Big Bone Lick State Park in Union, KY over the 10/18-20/24 weekend with native Americans, ax throwers, archery demonstrations, and more. Contact Skip for any activity questions or suggestions.  
Tech Director Tim reported no recent sessions to report. In October they plan to go out Wednesday the ninth to John Parrotts home to work on his 3 Healeys, and then cut down and round up the logs for the bonfire. Tim said JLOFOTO.net has many professional hill climb photos for sale. Skip wants the TT over to help start (and finish) his white MGA next week. Contact Tim to join in, or to schedule a tech session.

Standing Committee: Rosalee Campbell gave a report on the planning for the 2026 OVAHC Conclave based in Lexington, KY. The Campbells and Wallaces are volunteering as co-chairs. They visited several venues and have two proposals for the event. One is Embassy Suites, but they recommend Griffin Gate Hotel and Resort by Marriott. Rosalee said we need to discuss time, talent, and treasure. She said we have the talent in our group. The co-chairs asked for the club to sign up in writing for Event Committee Coordinators for the show. We need the names for planning our Conclave.  
Lauren said in discussion with Neil at AHCA, she discovered we have two challenges in front of us. First is the OVAHC commitment required to host. We did one in 2016, we are older now, and it is still two years in the future. Are we committed? Second is the financial commitment to make a $6,000 deposit to hold the dates and venue. If we sign a contract, we must make a bigger deposit then we have in our treasury presently. AHCA is not ready to contribute this much at this time.  
Rosalee passed around a breakdown of possible income areas. All are 50/50 splits with AHCA except regalia which is 100 % for us to keep the profits. We will need to invest a lot of our time, and not expect a lot of money.

Scott said the endeavor will be much like the 2016 Conclave in that, if you sign up to handle a certain part of the Conclave, then you must organize it, plan it, run it, and manage it to completion. If you sign up you will need helpers along the way and you won't be alone. You can solicit help from OVAHC and other AHCA clubs members as well. As it stands now, we want the chair heads to be OVAHC members so we keep control. So before we ask AHCA or other clubs for financial support, we need to decide if we are willing to do this. He opened the floor for discussion. Jake said he thinks (if asked) that he could call AHCA and get more funds earlier than normal. Dale said he would (if asked) write a personal check to help cover some of the initial deposit.  
The sheet was passed around and members signed up to volunteer. Rosalee offered to let Jake see the proposals. More discussion followed. The co-chairs will send a letter to OVAHC via email to ask for volunteers to fill the required Conclave 2026 positions by Friday, 9/14.

Old business: Skip received an email from the Ohio Concours committee in regards to our OVAHC parking corral by the show entrance at Ault Park. The proposal was to team up with the British Car Club of Cincinnati to use the site for classic British cars only, and buy 20 tickets in advance. It was seconded, discussed, and passed.

New business: Janet Parrott passed around a sheet for the bonfire to tell her what appetizer, salad, side dish, or dessert you will be bringing. John Wallace said the ROMEO lunch on 9/18 will be at Padrino in Milford at 1:00 PM. Lauren said the Juliettes will meet at SwingLine in Maderia at 12:30 PM on 9/25.

The $80 split-the-pot was won by Mary Ann for $40. The next meeting will be for the bonfire at the Parrott home near Bethel, OH on Saturday, October 12. Arrive any time after 1:00 PM and we will enjoy fireworks by Tim after it gets dark. More details to follow.

President Scott thanked Pat and Bob for hosting (applause), adjourned the meeting, and then we went back to snacking and socializing.

Submitted by Secretary Dale 
October 13 ........................................................................................... Spring Grove Car Show  ( Details in Newsleak )

October 18-20 .................................................................................... Salt Festival  ( Details in Newsleak )

​October 31 to Nov.3 .................................................................... Southeastern Classic, Dobson, NC ( SEC37@triadhealey.org )
 November 20 ..................................................................... Meeting Romeo & Juliettes together at O'Charlies Eastgate 1:00
                                                                                                                             4531 Eastgate Blvd. off I-275 exit 63-A
​December 19 ............................................................................................ Grove Park Grill for Christmas gathering